Lawyer registered with the OAB since 1990.
Director-General of the Mauro Menezes & amp; Lawyers.
Graduated in Law from UFBA – Orador da Turma (1989); Master in Public Law from UFPE – Class Speaker (2003);
Former President of the Public Ethics Committee of the Presidency of the Republic (03/2016 – 03/2018);
Counselor of the Public Ethics Committee of the Presidency of the Republic (2012 – 2016 and 03/2018 – 09/2018);
Member of the Public Transparency and Anti-Corruption Council of the Comptroller General of the Republic (2011-2013);
Professor of Procedural Labor Law at the Post-Graduation of IESB-DF (2009-2013 and 2017-current); Professor of Constitutional Labor Law at the Graduate School of CESUSC-SC (2008-2012 and 2018-current), Professor of the Graduate Program in Law at UFBA (2006-2008) and at the Judicial School of the TRT of the 5th Region- BA (2006-2007); Professor of Procedural Labor Law, Constitutional Labor Law and Union Law at the Graduate Program at Mackenzie University (2004-2005); Professor of Labor Law at the Graduation of Faculties Jorge Amado (2002-2003);
Member of the Permanent Commission on Labor Law of the Institute of Brazilian Lawyers (2002-2010), the National Commission on Labor Law and Labor Relations of the Ministry of Labor and Employment (2003-2005) and the Thematic Group on Labor Reform of the Council for Economic and Social Development of the Presidency of the Republic (2003); Mediator of Thematic Commissions and Consultant member of the Technical Team of the National Labor Forum (2003-2005);
Member of the Social Rights Commission of the OAB Federal Council (2019-current).
Member and Secretary of the Special Committee to Combat Corruption and Impunity of the Federal Council of the OAB (2010-2012) and of the National Commission of Diffuse and Collective Rights of the Federal Council of the OAB (2007-2009); Representative of the Federal Council of OAB to the Movement to Combat Electoral Corruption-MCCE (2010-2012); Consultant Member of the National Social Rights Commission of the OAB Federal Council (2000-2001 and 2013-current); Member of the Brazilian Lawyers Institute (2001-present); Effective Member of the Institute of Lawyers of Bahia (2000-current); Member of the Commission of Rights and Prerogatives of the Sectional Council of the OAB-BA (2001-2003) and of the Selection Committee of the Sectional Council of the OAB-BA (2001-2002);
Vice-President of the Bahian Institute of Labor Law-IBDT (2001-2004); Member Secretary of the Brazilian Delegation of the Luso-Brazilian Association of Labor Lawyers – JUTRA (2009-2010);
Member of the Examining Boards of the 13th, 14th and 16th, 17th and 18th National Public Tenders for Labor Prosecutors (2006-2007; 2008 and 2009-2010; 2012-2013; 2013-2014); Member of the Public Examination Commissions for Labor Judges of the TRT of the 10th Region-DF (2008-2009), of the 5th Region-BA (2006), of the TRT of the 7th Region-CE (2006).
President of the Academic Directory Ruy Barbosa of the Faculty of Law of UFBA (1987).
Qualified in English by Cambridge University – First Certificate (1983).
MENEZES, M. Off-balance sheet damages in the Brazilian Labor Reform of 2017. In: ARRUDA, Kátia Magalhães; ARANTES, Delaíde Alves Miranda. (Org.). The centrality of work and the direction of the Labor Legislation. 1st ed. São Paulo: LTr, 2018, v.1, p. 271-288.
MENEZES, M. Off-balance sheet damages in Law no. 13,467 / 2017: the petty restraint of dignity. In: MAIOR, Jorge Luiz Souto; SEVERO, Valdete Souto. (Coord.). Resistance: Theoretical support against labor retrogression. 1st ed. São Paulo: Expressão Popular, 2017, v.1, p. 203-222.
MENEZES, M. Transitional justice in the experience of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in the area of economic, social and cultural rights. In: VIANA, Márcio Túlio; ROCHA, Cláudio Jannoti da. (Coord.). How to apply a CLT in the light of the Constitution: Alternatives for those working in the labor market. 1st ed. São Paulo: LTr, 2016, v.1, p. 460-463.
MENEZES, M. Outsourcing in the Supreme Court: elements of the constitutional debate
Mauro de Azevedo. (Org.). 1st ed. Bauru: Channel 6, 2015.
Author of the book “Constitution and Labor Reform in Brazil – Interpretation in the Perspective of Fundamental Rights” (LTr, 2004, 370 pp.), of the monographs “The new injunction mandate profile in view of the prospects for advancing social rights (in “Twenty years of the Citizen Constitution” – LTr, 2009, p. 51-56), “Horizons of collective bargaining in Brazil: Guidelines for building effective union citizenship” (in “The New Horizons of Law do Trabalho ”- LTr, 2005, p. 435-444), and the paper“ Main Legal Aspects of Labor Reform in the Southern Cone ”(Fundação Friedrich Ebert, 2001, 28 pp.). Author of articles published in legal journals.
Commander of the Order of Judicial Merit of Labor, title granted by the Superior Labor Court-TST (2006), of the Order of Merit Don Bosco, title granted by the TRT of the 10th Region-DF (2007) and of the Order of Merit Coqueijo Costa, title granted by the TRT of the 5th Region-BA (2013).