


Selective collect

Since 2012, Mauro Menezes & Advogados has maintained a partnership with Banco do Brasil in Brasília (DF) and is part of the selective garbage collection program generated by its activities. The disposal is sent to recycling plants in the region, which in addition to their ordinary activities, include low-income families, with actions that generate knowledge and income. Mauro Menezes & Advogados, in addition to having internal disposal separated by types of material, carries out periodic awareness and dissemination activities on the topic to his team.

Internal use of sugar cane paper

Since 2012, all Mauro Menezes & Advogados units have been using paper made from sugarcane bagasse fiber, which exceeds environmental requirements. The productive process used eliminates child labor and considers the labor aspects of those involved in the operation. For example, the box has only 5 reams and weighs 11.7 kg, since in Europe there is a weight limit (18 kg) for people to carry boxes. In Brazil, most suppliers use boxes weighing up to 23.4 kg. In addition, the production process eliminates burning, through mechanized harvesting, and the use of bagasse as an energy generator. Mills that supply sugarcane bagasse for paper production use natural gas as a fuel. The production of paper from cane fibers uses less chemicals in the transformation. The form of bleaching with chlorine dioxide (or ECF) is less polluting. Unlike reforestation wood, whose production cycle is several years, the sugarcane bagasse reduces management costs, since the cycle is 18 months.

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